OneShot - Application to assign and track the progress of tasks.

User story

OneShot is a task management application designed to help users efficiently manage their tasks. With OneShot, users can easily estimate and schedule tasks, track dependencies, resources, and milestones, and quickly adjust priorities as needed.


Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathizing with users, defining the problem from their perspective, ideating creative solutions, prototyping and testing those solutions, and iterating based on feedback. Applied to the OneShot use case, design thinking would involve first gaining an understanding of users' needs and pain points related to task management through interviews, observations, and other forms of research. Based on these insights, the problem would be defined and redefined in a human-centered way, such as "How might we help users manage their tasks more efficiently and with less stress?" or "How might we enable users to easily adjust their priorities when unexpected changes occur?"

Next, the ideation phase would involve generating a wide range of potential solutions, from novel features to radical redesigns of the task management process. These ideas would then be narrowed down and fleshed out in the prototyping phase, where low-fidelity mockups, wireframes, or even physical prototypes could be created and tested with users. Based on feedback, the solutions would be refined and iterated upon until the best possible solution is arrived at.
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Step 1


During the research phase, we aim to deeply understand the needs, wants, and pain points of our target users. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observation. By gathering insights directly from users, we can develop a deep understanding of their workflows, motivations, and goals. This information is then used to create user personas and define the problem we aim to solve with our product. The research phase is critical in ensuring that we design a product that truly meets the needs of our users.

Step 2


For the OneShot task management application, the Define stage involves analyzing the data and insights gathered during the Empathize stage to define the core problems and challenges that users face when managing their tasks. The focus is on identifying these problems in a human-centered manner, with the goal of developing solutions that truly address the needs and pain points of users. The problem statement is developed to guide the ideation and prototyping stages, ensuring that the final solution is targeted and effective.

Step 3


Now, we’re ready to generate ideas to create the best task management application. The solid background of knowledge from the first two phases means we can start to “think outside the box”, look for alternative ways to view the problem and identify innovative solutions to the problem statement we’ve created. Brainstorming is particularly useful here. Different task flows, creation of tasks, management of tasks, and options to handle exceptions are worked on at this stage. Additionally, we can explore features like task prioritization, categorization, collaboration, and communication to enhance the overall user experience. The goal is to come up with multiple solutions and select the best one based on user needs and technical feasibility.

Step 4


User interface design patterns are a critical aspect of my design process, as they determine the structure and organization of the user experience. As a designer, it's my responsibility to carefully consider and evaluate various user interface design patterns to ensure that the end product is both visually appealing and user-friendly. This process involves a great deal of attention to detail and requires a deep understanding of the user's needs and preferences.

At this stage of my design thinking process, I am fully focused on creating a seamless user experience that allows for easy navigation and efficient task management. I am working tirelessly to ensure that the OneShot application is intuitive and easy to use, with clear visual cues and simple language that enable users to complete their tasks quickly and efficiently. By prioritizing user experience and leveraging the best design patterns available, I am confident that OneShot will exceed our users' expectations and provide them with an unparalleled level of task management functionality.

Mock up

During the design process of OneShot, I used mock-ups to gather early feedback from users and stakeholders to refine the design and create a final product that met the needs and expectations of our users.

As a designer, I focused on creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that simplified task management and ensured easy navigation. The final mock-up design showcased my attention to detail and the level of care I put into every aspect of the user experience.

Through the use of mock-ups, I was able to gather critical insights and ensure that my design met the needs of our users. By incorporating feedback and iterating on my designs, I was able to create a final product that was intuitive, efficient, and highly functional.

Project Name



Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Photoshop CC